Here Latest news for all the Candidates is that the LIC Recruitment 2010.
Life Insurance Corporation of India invites On-line Applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment to the following posts of Assistant Administrative Officer.
Candidates are requested to apply only On-Line between 22nd November, 2010 and 14th December, 2010 No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) : 375 posts (Generalist-250, CA-100, Legal-20, CS-5), Age : 21-30 as on 01/11/201, Pay Scale : 17240-32640/-.
Selection :Selection will be based on the performance in the Competitive Examination on 27-02-2011 (27th February 2011) for AAO Generalist, Only interview for CA, Legal and CS.
Application :Cash deposite of Rs. 400/- in in Cash , during cash collection hours at any Cash Collection Center of LIC Offices viz. Branch /Divisional /Zonal Office /Zonal Training Centre of Life Insurance Corporation of India in Account Code No. 114033. SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted.
Important Dates
1. Opening Date of acceptance of application money at Cash Collection Centres of LIC 22nd November, 2010
2. Opening Date of On-Line Registration 22nd November, 2010
3. Last date for acceptance of Application Money 13th December, 2010
4. Closing date for On-line Registration 14th December, 2010
5. Modification of Applications submitted, if desired. (Once) 15th and 16th December, 2010
6. Downloading of Hall Tickets from site 7th February, 2011